Insulating Value of Different Types of Clothing Fabric. Task 3

Project design plan

The purpose of this project is to test the insulating value of different types of clothing fabric. Do different types of clothing fabric insulate better than others? If so, what would be the best readily available fabric to wear in the cold winter months verses hot months. This information is very relevant in choosing what to wear during the winter and summer months. To test this question, research will be done using ½-pint glass jars with no lid. These jars will be filled with 112-degree water. The filled jars will be insulated with one layer of different types of common clothing fabrics. These jars will be placed at room temperature and a measurement of the rate of temperature loss will be done. The measurements will be taken every 15 minutes for 1 hour and 15 minutes. A control will be done at the same time using a 1/2-pint glass jar with no lid. This jar will be filled with 112-degree water and have no fabric around it. The control will be measured for temperature loss every 15 minutes for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The clothing fabric that retains the most heat would be good to wear on cold days and the clothing fabric that releases the most heat on hot days.


The more dense the fabric the less heat reduction.

Literature review

With the unemployment of Americans at an all time high and the cost of goods increasing at a steady pace, it is important to spend money wisely. One way to do this is to purchase the appropriate clothing. In the study by the “North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program” (2004), insulation values of different types of fabric were conducted to see if a nylon jacket performed as well as a heavier wool coat in keeping students warm in the winter months. The results concluded that wool retained heat longer than nylon. This study showed money spent on a wool coat will give better heat retention.

In a different study, “Assessing insulating fabric performance for extremely cold weather” (2006),...