Industrial Revolution "1700-1900"

“A need for the new product often directly motivates the men to the development of it.”
-Engineering in History.

The industrial revolution was the period that extended from 18th century to 19th century. It was the period when major changes occurred in human history. Manufacturing, mining, transport and technological changes make it a most turning point of human history, today almost every aspect of our life such as socio-economic changes, political system, roads, railways system was somehow eventually influenced by this period.
Industrial revolution or also called the age of steam, started from the process of iron and steel making technologies which gradually developed to textile industries. The introduction of steam power engine which was fueled by coal was developed on this era. Water wheels from medieval ages were much more developed, later which could perform a sophisticated tasks in textile manufacturing industries. The development of metal tools took place on this era. Every newer inventions added more value to the society, leading to increased production capacities and travelling more distance in short time. The impact of all this change in a society was enormous.
This period of history created a great relationship between humans and the resources of Mother Nature. But this is the period, too, in which the mercantile theory of western nations had to give away. Later Great Britain adapted the theory of Adam Smith which was published in 1776, states that real wealth of nation laid not by exploiting colonial areas in fixed trade rather by being free and expanding commerce with all parts of the world, (Kirby 160). Industrial revolution has had produced more consumer goods and were better off than the peasants and day laborers of middle ages. Also in-terms of labor saving machinery, the life of middle working class people was growing steadily better with the progress of engineering. However, the margin of profits the working class made was better off but...