Individuals Interactions with Other Cultures

Intro (80 words)
Good morning/ afternoon fellow students and teachers

As an individual interacts with others of a different culture, belief and or life situation, opinions of freedom can be both extended or limited.
This perspective will be explored by the analysis of three texts. The texts chosen include the poems the French prisoner and the one who goes away these from Ken Watson’s anthology round earth’s imagined corners and Dr. David Corlett’s award winning documentary Go back to where you came from.

The French prisoner by Janos Pilinszky provides vision on human desperation and the impacts of the denial of freedom on the individual. Through the authors personal experiences he is able to create emotive images through the use of language features in the poem. The French prisoner challengers the individuals own perspective of freedom. This is achieved by using a vast array emotive language and the depressive tone. This gives the audience a detailed picture of the suffering of the prisoner such as; yet he had hardly swallowed one mouthful before it vomited it back up. “the hands shrunk to bone”
The persona of the poem doesn’t show compassion to the French prisoner this is achieved by having a neutral emotionless voice to the poem.   This is evident when he refers to the prisoner as it or he its effect is that it de-humanises the prisoner and doesn’t allow the reader to become emotionally attached.
This method of poetry is aimed to challenge the reader perspective of freedom and can ether expanded or limit it.

The one who goes away provides the personal belief of what freedom is to the author. This personal experience is presented in a first person voice that allows the audience to engage at a intermit level with the persona of the text. Her idea of freedom has no physical home but rather something she carries with her that she has acquired through experiences. This is presented in the final stanza
“-My home which does not fit with any geography”...