Individual Placement & Support for Unemployed

SESAMI Social inclusion through Employment Support for Adults with Mental Illness Final Report October 2006 Website:

Page Acknowledgments Summary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Introduction Policy, practice and research context Methods Fidelity to IPS and influencing factors Participants’ background characteristics Outcomes Predictors of moving into work Client and staff perceptions of what works The experiences of people in work Developing an evidence-based theory Discussion Conclusions and recommendations 2 3 9 11 15 21 26 29 35 38 54 83 93 103 105 109 120 121 131

References Appendix 1: Inputs and costs Appendix 2: Nearness to Labour Market Scale Appendix 3: Outcome statistics Appendix 4 Predictor statistics


Our grateful thanks to our six partner agencies for their support and advice throughout the SESAMI study. Also to all the clients of the six agencies who took part in interviews and gave us so much valuable information. We hope the results of the study will contribute to the development of employment support services for all those who need to use them in the future. The study was supported by the Higher Education European Social Fund and we are grateful for the opportunity provided to carry out the SESAMI study.


Summary 1. Introduction

SESAMI (Social inclusion through Employment Support for Adults with Mental Illness) was a two-year study designed to contribute to knowledge about how people with severe mental health problems can be helped to find and keep open employment. The study comprised five main strands: 1. Assessment of the extent to which partner agencies were working in line with the international evidence base and exploration of factors influencing this. 2. Identification of the outcomes achieved for their clients by partner agencies over a period of 12 months. 3. Identification of predictors for moving into work. 4. Exploration of clients’ and service providers’ views...