Immunizaton Scares

Immunization project
            By: Sha’lana Koger

What is Diphtheria?
is an upper respiratory tract illness
It is characterized by sore throat, low fever, and an adherent membrane (a pseudomembrane) on the tonsils, pharynx, and/or nasal cavity. A milder form of diphtheria can be restricted to the skin. Uncommon consequences include myocarditis (about 20% of cases) and peripheral neuropathy (about 10% of cases).
What does it do?
it can produce a thick gray membrane that may grow large enough to obstruct breathing.
How is it contacted?
Diphtheria is a contagious disease spread by direct physical contact or breathing the aerosolized secretions of infected individuals.
Signs and symptoms
toxin usually attacks the tonsils first and causes fever, red sore throat, weakness, and headache. The toxin destroys the normal throat tissue, causing the throat to swell. As the tissue dies, the toxin forms a thick, grayish white membrane that completely covers the throat. The appearance of this membrane is important in making a diagnosis. Without treatment, the membrane will spread to cover the entire throat and larynx.
How to prevent it?
vaccine is recommended for all school-age children. Boosters of the vaccine are recommended for adults since the benefits of the vaccine decrease with age without constant re-exposure; they are particularly recommended for those traveling to areas where the disease has not been eradicated.
diphtheria antitoxin is administered (either intravenously or by intramuscular injection) antitoxin helps to prevent damage caused by the bacterial toxin to vital organs. Antibiotics are give to treat the infection.

Case study
The two patients did not give a complete history of...