
Title: Illiteracy – A Quiet Global Crisis
Most of the people may realize that reading is an integral part of our daily lives. Yes, we have to read. We can't get jobs, order food, excel in school, or enjoy our favourite novels without the benefit of understanding the written word. But for many people, literacy is the snitch that even Harry Potter cannot catch. There are currently twenty percent of the world population, (1.257 billion people), are illiterate. What is illiteracy actually? Illiteracy is defined by the UNESCO as the inability to the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written material. Therefore, in order to come out with a comprehensive solution, we have to deep into the causes of illiteracy, which are poverty, family background and learning disabilities.
One of the major causes of illiteracy among developing nations is poverty as the economy of these countries is not completely established. In particular, India struggle with the most illiteracy. There are 258.42 million children are illiterate in India in 2001. People living in slums and villages cannot send their children to school while they starve for a morsel. Related to this issue is Maslow’s theory on the hierarchy of needs. Maslow, a well-known psychologist, wrote that people deprived of basic needs, such as shelter, food, clothes, and basic safety, are less likely to develop themselves with higher education   (Janet A.Simons, 1987) Undeniably, social background influences the way children feel about school from an early age. Donald Hirsch, author of the Round-up summary of the work, said, "This doesn't necessarily mean teachers are prejudiced, but that low-income children find themselves in schools where the pressures are greater, and this reinforces prior disadvantages." Sooner or later, they will drop put if schools. As indicated above, children in poverty face greatly reduced educational prospects and future life chances.