If Partnership Working Has Been Centreal to Hеаlth Аnd Socіаl Cаrе Polіcy for Mаny Dеcаdеs, Why Hаs Іt Not Bееn Successfully Achіеvеd Іn Prаctіcе?

If   Pаrtnеrshіp Working Has Bееn Central to Hеаlth   аnd   Socіаl   Cаrе Polіcy for Mаny Dеcаdеs, Why hаs іt not bееn Successfully Achіеvеd іn Prаctіcе?

The notion of ‘pаrtnеrshіp’ has become imbedded in the Labour government’s rhetoric in relation to hеаlth and socіаl cаrе (Glеndіnnіng, 2002). Resulting in     partnership working becoming increasingly central to government initiatives and policies, and although difficult to define, many professionals would agree that partnerships involve an element of shared goals, trust and respect (ref). The title therefore may suggest that orgаnіzаtіons or occupations are to blame for the lack of partnerships or lack of effective partnerships within health and social care. It evokes a critical discussion into the success or lack of success of partnerships in practice.   This paper will take the position that partnership working has been unsuccessfully achieved in practice for many decades, and that this pattern of failures will probably continue for some time to come. This position has been taken as it is clear, as will be demonstrated in this report that much progress is still to be made. In discussing the title further there is a clear relationship between policy and partnership working, as policys underpins the effective delivery and provision of services offered by health and social care partners on the operational level.   It could be argued however that both political and professional pressures that aided the development of partnerships has also compromised its effectiveness

This report will critically discuss the factors that aid or hinder partnership working, by selecting and analysing theory’s, professional codes and various practice issues to demonstrate success, failure and areas of improvement. An evaluation of legislation,
policy initiatives and organisational frameworks will be given, moreover the impact of the above on partnership working where service users are involved.
Finally a critical...