
Transition Words and Clause Connectors
What it Means Add or move to a similar idea Compare Sentence Transition Words * Also, Additionally Furthermore, . . . , too In addition, . . . , as well Moreover, Besides, In the same way, Likewise, Similarly, . . . , too All in all, Thus, In brief, Consequently, In conclusion, Indeed, In short, In summary, Hence, Finally, Alternatively, Otherwise, Providing that, However, Despite this, In contrast, Instead, In/By comparison, Nevertheless, Nonetheless, On the other hand, On the contrary, Still, Conversely, For example, Namely, For instance Specifically, Above all, First and foremost, More/Most importantly/ significantly, Secondly…Thirdly… In the front, In the back, Nearby, In the distance, Choices for Connecting Clauses Coordinating Subordinating** . . . , and . . . , nor (does she) . . . , and not only (is he) . . ., but (he) also . . . as as though rather than whenever while as if just as than whether Others another an additional in addition to besides also as . . . as like/alike just like similar to be alike be similar both . . . and neither . . . nor It is clear that . . . The evidence suggests that . . . These examples show that . . .


Offer a condition or alternative Contrast or move to an opposite idea

. . . , or . . . , but . . . , yet

if if ….then even if only if unless although even if even though though whereas while

Give an example State order of importance

despite + noun even so compared to/with be different (from) be dissimilar be unlike differ (v) (from) instead of such as like an example of . . ., e.g., . . . a more important the most important the primary . . . primarily . . .

Indicate place

Show purpose Give reason or cause . . . , for

anywhere everywhere where wherever in order that so that that because since as in order that so that

to + verb result (v) from be the result of due to because of the effect of the consequence of as a result of as a consequence of
