Identify the Key Features of 3 Major Therapeutic Models

Suey Ross

ABC Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Concepts

Course tutor: Anne-Marie Howell

• 2.1 Identify the key features of at least 3 major therapeutic models

Three of the major therapeutic models are the humanistic,
psychodynamic and behavioural approaches.

The humanistic approach was developed by a psychologist called Carl
Rogers in 1951, and is based around the idea that all humans have the
inbuilt capacity for growth and to realise their own potential. Rogers
called this 'self actualisation', and believed that when a person can
tap into their capacity for growth and potential i.e when they self
actualise, they can heal their own hurts and solve their own
psychological problems.

 His approach focuses on the belief that humans are born
intrinsically good. This was termed by Rogers as the core self or the
organismic self. In the organismic self are the energies and
components of the human personality that allow us to self actualise.
It is also an organism that allows us to value our experience and
defines our character and our life choices. It is what sets us apart
and distinguishes us from other people.

Rogers explained that the self concept was the part of the human
personality that was developed through our experiences where people
judged our behaviour and therefore we sought the approval of our peers
and parents and others around us.

Self actualisation can be achieved when the organismic self and the
self concept are congruent and not too far removed from each other.
However, when the two are not congruent this is the root cause of
human distress and hurt.

Rogers believed that if the right conditions were provided for people
with an askew core self and self concept, this could facilitate their
ability to heal their own hurts. He set up the person centred model
for counselling whereby a therapist offers the core conditions of
empathy,congruence and unconditional positive regard to enable the
client to self...