How Smart Phones Have Changed the World

According to "Cellular Phones: How They Changed the World and Where Do We Go Now?" (2013), “The cell phone was conceptualized in 1947 but didn’t come to pass until 1973 when Dr. Martin Cooper made the first ever cellular call.”   Cell phone first and foremost allow people to do business on the go instead of being tied down to a landline or a desk.   Many companies are going completely wireless which allows them to keep in contact with clients and staff easier.   In business, smart phones have a lot of added benefits like multi-person conference calls, send edit and receive emails, and call forwarding which will forward important calls to someone after business hours.
Sutter (2012), “These phones, such as those running the Apple iOS and Google Android operating systems, offer "more computing power than Apollo 11 when it landed a man on the moon," Nancy Gibbs writes for Time.” Smart phones have become such an important part of people’s lives; its helps them remember people they’ve met by adding them to their contacts, it allows businesses to respond faster to their customers, you can hold a virtual meeting with business associates and   sharing and making changes on the go.   “Smart phones can record your sales pitch, we can get updates orders on the road and you can monitor inventory without being in the workplace (Schiff, 2012).
Each passing year businesses have to keep up with current technology or be left behind.   The costs of technology is coming down as it is improved and streamlined.   A few years ago It costs hundreds of dollars to buy a cell phone and they were the size of a size 9 shoes, now you can get them for 10$ at Target with a plan for $35 a month and they can fit in the palm of your hand.   Many companies are offering mobile apps which they can use to access things like their bank accounts and pay bills.   “Simplifying the world is what consumers want, and with so many people on the go, mobile apps, as well as usage will only multiply; causing...