How Has the Director of Scream, Wes Craven Conveyed Horror to the Audience?

Director, Wes craven has successfully conveyed horror in the movie Scream by Using several techniques such as Camera Angles & Shots, Music & Sounds aswell as costume design. In the movie Casey, the main character recieves numerous phone calls from a stranger. At first these calls were friendly and polite, but after repetitive calls the stranger on the phone became very threatening. He forces her to play a trivia game with him, worried about how much longer she will live when she answers a question wrong. Wes Craven has incorporated many different and new things to make this popular horror even scarier.
Wes Craven has successfully conveyed horror by using Suspenseful music and sounds. Some may call these sounds and music typical; well, it is. But thats what makes it scary! When you hear that music or particular sounds, you know something is going to happen. When the stranger make Casey play the trivia game with him the 1st Question she answered corectly, the 2nd she gets wrong and her Boyfriend Steve’s guts get ripped out but the 3rd question was “Which door am I at? The patio door or the front door?”After this was said the ‘typical’ Suspenseful music started, so you could tell that something was about to happen.   After a few seconds a deck chair came through the glass patio doors. With that Casey started running. Mise-en-scene is used to create the best/scariest scene possible. The use of very dark lighting, a high camera angle then continuing to use a panning movement following Casey as she runs contribute to make the scene come together well. The dark lighting normally signifies death or evil, which is very relevant in this scene. It also creates mystery because you can’t see much. The high camera angle shows that she is small and vulnerable and that she has no power. The panning movement showed how fast Casey was running. By using these 3 things, It created the mise-en-scene and conveyed horror to the audience.
In the movie Scream, Numerous Camera Angles are...