How Communication Affects Relationships in the Work Setting

Relationships and communication skills go hand in hand, if you have good communication skills you are much more likely to have good relationships with colleagues, parents and children. This is because relationships are influenced by language, facial expressions and ways in which others listen and talk to you, effective communication is a two way process. Having good relationships can impact on your ability to;
Share and gain information: So that we can work effectively we need to share and gain information, it could just be to find out how a child is feeling, what their favourite game is, and food e.c.t or it could be more in-depth like how their long term health and welfare is, such as a referral to a speech therapist. The sharing and gaining of information will happen every day with children, parents, other adults and colleagues.
Settling in: Unless children feel comfortable with us they are going to find it hard to settle in, so we need to quickly find ways to communicate and build relationships. Parents also need to be able to trust us and have confidence in us to be happy to leave their children in our care, so, by taking time to reassure parents and children this is building important relationships and good communication.
Supporting children’s play and learning: Children will be able to learn much easier and also settle into play if they are relaxed. This can be linked to the quality of the relationships that the adults have with them. They can also benefit more from play and learning activities if you can communicate well with them. Adults can also help children to express their own ideas and help them to build up their vocabulary by having good communication skills.
Transitions: when children have to move between different settings , whether it is from nursery to school or from carers to different settings the transitions are made easier on all concerned if the adults all have a good relationship and share relative information well.
Effective teams:...