History of American Society in the 20th

Jazz Age : atmosphere of joy, fun, trying new things, going for new styles of music. Immigration continue despite the legislation. Sanitation and condition of living improved => birth rate increased and death rate decreased so the population grew. It was a period of urban growth : more and more people went to live in cities. Apparition of suburbs for middle class. Development of the services sector. Change in the mindset of people. Up to WWI, American believed in the Protestant work ethic and thrift ethic ( work hard and spend little money). In the 1920s, it was replaced by mass consumption, advertisings to encourage people to buy. Short life cycle of products (would last only for a certain time). Development of tourism and movie industry. Consumption developed thanks to credit. The banking system developed. There were too many loans, too many banks, no nationally bank policy which is why many banks went bankrupt and so merged. Shares were overpriced because of speculation. The system was set to crash and that’s what it did in 1929. Politic : It was a Republican decade. Nationalism was intense. People tried to promote everything American and criticized everything un-American => freedom of speech, social reforms, modern arts. 1919 : 18th amendment was voted. It forbade alcohol into the country. Time of the Prohibition. But alcohol was still available on black market, in speakeasies. Crime rate increased. Mafia/Syndicate developed. (organized crime which introduced alcohol in the country and organized everything not to get caught). Mostly located in Chicago. Increased the anti foreign sentiment of Americans. Economy : The Government preferred the non intervention. 1928 First Presidential Election to use the radio. It opposed Al Smith VS H. Hoover. Hoover was supported by large companies. Al Smith was openly against the Prohibition. Hoover won the election. American companies and banks continued to help European economies. Great Britain and the US came to an agreement...