
HHST 211/EXAM #3/STUDY GUIDE (Chapters 5, 6, and 7)


DIRECTIONS:   Determine if each of the following statements is true or false. [30 points]

_____1.   Modern research has modified, though not contradicted, a 19th century thesis that suggested that “the national government was demoralized and inadequate” in the wake of the American Revolutionary War, but that that same national government achieved significant ends such as establishment of a “rudimentary federal bureaucracy” able to manage routine affairs and establishment of “far-sighted” land policies.

_____2.   According to some historians the evolution of the United States “placed demands on the national government that its creators had not anticipated”.

_____3.   The fact that the American Revolution freed American trade from the restrictions of mercantilism proved a “mixed blessing” in the short run by increasing the availability of cheap imported goods to the United States yet not creating equivalent markets of American exports.

_____4.   From 1784 to 1786 the United States placed high tariffs on all British imports in an effort to reduce British imports and force the British to open markets to the United States. This is a good example of the power of the Articles of Confederation to make effective laws regulating commerce.

_____5.   Shay’s Rebellion resulted from Washington’s refusal to allow the Supreme Court to rule on whether, or not, the people of Massachusetts had the right to freedom of political speech even if that political speech meant harsh criticism of the Constitution.

_____6.   The United States Constitution was written at what historians call the Annapolis Convention.

_____7.   Alexander Hamilton was a self-described nationalist who believed that the future economic and political security of the United States rested in formulating and implementing a plan for “correcting” the “defects” of the Articles of Confederation.

_____8.   According to most historians the...