His 145 Week3

The year 1960 marks the beginning of profound cultural changes that reformed the role of women in American society. The “Women’s Liberation” movement progressed throughout the 1960’s, 1970s, and 1980’s. This time period was a tense time of transition, change, and confusion. Gradually America started to accept the basic goals of the feminists’ movement. These decades have accomplished many feats for women: “Equal pay for equal work”, an end to domestic violence and sexual harassment, and sharing of household and child rearing responsibilities ().
In the 1960s a rebellious feminist trend developed in the U. S. It was stimulated by feminist studies, such as “The Second Sex,” by Simone de Beauvoir, and by a legislative climate, which at that time was, favorable to minority rights and antidiscrimination movements. Many militant women's groups were fashioned. The Women's Liberation Movement was social more than political, and it was manifested by demonstrations of radical feminists. Betty Friedan was a feminist that contributed greatly to the liberation of women. She wrote the book The Feminine Mystique, in 1963 to inspire women to use professional careers as a garnishment to marriage and motherhood. Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray started the National Organization for Women in 1966. This organization’s goal was to help women achieve economic, political, and social equality by challenging the institutional assemblies of society.
The Fair Labor Standards Act was amended in 1963 to require that men and women be paid the same amount of money when performing the same job. This amendment was called The Equal Pay Act of 1963. The act prohibited all employers from offering fewer rates to women that hold jobs, positions, and duties identical to men. This act was further developed in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created the Equal Opportunity Commission and it then made it illegal to deny employment based on not only sex, but also race, religion or...