Higher Education


Obtaining Higher Education is a Tool for Success for ESTP Type Personalities
Felicia Willis
University of Phoenix
                            Dr. Ray Benedetto
December 03, 2009

Obtaining Higher Education is a Tool for Success for ESTP Type Personalities
      Many people in today’s society believe that returning to school for a higher level of education is not needed to be successful in the job market. The answer to the above statement can be true for some. Even though he or she does not need a higher level of education to achieve success, a higher level of education can open doors for those wanting to start a new career and help achieve a goal of personal growth because people with higher education are successful and people with a higher level of education do better economically.
      While pursuing a degree of higher education it is important to know what personality trait he or she possesses. Knowing one’s self can help with being successful in understanding what strengths and weaknesses are possessed. In the interactive tool titled the Jungian personality assessment test, a person can determine what traits he or she possesses. For example, an Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving (ESTP) type personality is considered to be a doer. The ESTP type personality deal with things rationally and logically, The ESTP personality are go getters and are risk takers. ESTP type personalities like to live in the world of action and jump right into things. ESTP type personality’s handles decision making based on facts and logic. Taking others feeling into account is not a trait of the ESTP personality. An ESTP personality type would do well in pursing a master’s degree because of the traits he or she possesses. He or she would do well in the corporate world because ESTP’s have a natural abundance of energy and enthusiasm, which makes them natural entrepreneurs. To become a successful...