Helping Relationships


This is the first stage of the helping relationship after referral by self or other agency , if they feel this is the best approach to help the individual. The initial stage to the beginning is to make contact with the client, introductions and exploration.
The client will be warmly received and made to feel relaxed then shown into the counselling room , which will have two chairs three feet apart facing each other and will be free from any hazards –wires which could be a trip hazard – for example as to make sure that the health and safety act is adhered to. The counsellor will then explain the   fire procedures to the client and any specific meeting points and exits and where any toilets may be situated. The room should be warm and welcoming to help clients relax , with care made to ensure the complete privacy – ensuring door is closed or “ in session “ or “do not disturb “ signs are visible.
The next process will be to negotiate a contract with the client to establish a working pattern and the responsibility of both client and counsellor , this will cover the time of each session along with the number of sessions allocated to the client to begin with , dates as well as the effect of   late attendance on session time or possibly cancellation of appointments and timescales in regards this as well as any potential cost.
The cost of the sessions will be agreed , if a fee is payable.
The contract will also contain a confidentiality agreement , this will inform the client that whatever is discussed will be held in confidence , but , that this confidentiality will be broken if there is risk of harm to themselves , others or required by law , an example may be issues relating to safeguarding children – childrens act 1989 or acts of terrorism , it should also be made clear that every effort will be made to discuss this first. The contract could also include that the counsellor works to the ethical framework of the...