Healthcare Cost

* The main drivers for medical service is everyone at least one time in their life time will get ill and has to seek medical attention. Due to the demand of medical service consumers pay high premiums to receive health insurcance coverage, however not everyone can afford healthcare insurance but they cannot afford to not have it. Not having insurance coverage can result late diagnosis of a serious diseases,and   when a sickeness is severe the consumer can pay thousands of dollars for a visist to an Emegency Department.   Even if counsmers are healthy individuals no one know when an accident   or illnees will occur thefore consumers are stuck paying high copaymnets for annul check up and many other medical services.   Medical services continue to rise and with the economic crisis many people has lost their job where they was receiving healthcare insurance .
  * The annual cost for medical services will only increase with the lack of employment.

Theres always going to be a demand for prescription drugs. Many Residents In the United are are missing out on prescription drugs savings. Prices for prescription drugs varies throughout the country vary/ when it comes to prescription drugs Some are   twice as much at certain pharmacies. Even with the high cost of prescription drugs   consumers still hand their prescription to pharcies without even knowing how much the prescription drug will cost them. Consumers trust and depend on their insurances co-pays, it never dawn upon them that they should be shopping around until they find a cheaper cost.Consumers neede to know about the options that’s out there for them when it comes to buying prescription drugs.The best solution for consumers is to shop around for the cheapest pharmacy or drug especially for those without healthcare insurance. One   solution consumers are aware about generic drugs appose to   non-generic drugs.Prescription drugs are not a fixes cost for example one can go to CVS pharmacy and may a certain amout for a...