Health Transformation

The Institute of Medicine (IOM), a non-profit organization consisting of a diverse panel of experts has published an in-depth study titled: Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. The study provides guidelines to help transform the future of quality health care with an evidence-based focus directed by 6 specific health care aims for improvement. Health care should be safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient and equitable (Institute of Medicine, 2001). Research has revealed that our present health care system is in need of change, but is fundamentally unable to transform to the degree described by the Institute of Medicine. In order to accomplish real progress in health care, the whole system will have to change. Recognizing that our current health care delivery system is inefficient in many areas, this paper focuses on the structural elements detailed within the IOM study and will explain what the 6 ‘Aims for Improvement’ are and how they relate to healthcare transformation. Additionally, answers for the following questions will be provided. Who are the stakeholders interested in healthcare transformation? What is the role of health information technology (HIT) and how does it affect performance measures?   Why is healthcare transformation so difficult?

The Basics of Health Care Transformation: The Structural Elements
The issue of health care transformation and patient safety is a very important topic in the discussion of health care system improvement. Crossing the Quality Chasm describes our current health care system structure as outdated, and the space between quality and care - a chasm. The guidelines presented within this study, designed to lead our current system to transformation, builds all structural elements for healthcare transformation around 6 ‘Aims for Improvement’.   What are the 6 ‘aims of improvement’ and how do they relate to healthcare transformation?
Aims of Improvement
The 6 ‘Aims of...