Health Needs Assessment

Significance of Mental Health Nurse Skills in Health Visiting.
The Health Visitor Implementation Plan 2011-2015 provides a great opportunity to participate in achieving the dream to engage extensively in work with children, families and other professionals to ensure parents and children have access to the support they need to get off to the best possible start, with early intervention to ensure additional support for those who need it, including the most vulnerable families.
A health visitor work with families and empower them to make a difference. This also involves much more preventative work rather than just nursing people at a stage when they are already unwell.
Experienced mental health nurses have acquired many transferable skills particularly communication, questioning and listening skills as well as the ability to interpret non-verbal communication and body language. Caring for mentally ill patients and their families enhances interpersonal sensitivity, patience, empathy and tact. These skills are essential   in Public health promotion and working with children and families.
An example is one mental health nurse with 3 years’ experience as a facilitator for “Intro to Group Work & Men Talking Group. The team of facilitators included psychologists and Occupational Therapists. This provided opportunity to work with other disciplines as well as expand knowledge and skills. Getting patients in the group involved identifying those in need and patients that benefited from Intro to Group work and Men Talking group. As a facilitator your role include   raising awareness, alleviating anxieties and promoting therapy uptake to those recommended by their clinical team followed by initial assessments jointly carried out by nurse and psychologist. The approach involves using person centred supportive talk therapy or Motivational Interviewing (MI) to help patients identify, challenge their core beliefs and change maladaptive behaviours.   This is relevant to health...