Health Care Communication Methods

Individual Infectious Disease
The hepatitis B is one of the several types of hepatitis liver inflammation which is caused by the hepatitis B virus it spreads through the infected bodily fluids. The several few symptoms of the disease would include nausea, diarrhea, yellowing of the skin and eyes which is called the yellow jaundice, and it is associated with a low-grade fever and body aches. Hepatitis are most commonly caused by one of the five hepatitis viruses which the five types are (A, B, C, D, AND E) all of these types of hepatitis cause inflammation of the liver, and its ability to function. Acute hepatitis B is period of illness which occurs during the first of one to four months after acquiring the virus. About only 30% to 50% of adults would develop the significant symptoms during acute infection. The body’s immune response would be a major determinant to the outcome in acute hepatitis B. Individuals   who develops strong immune response with the infection would most likely to clear the virus and recover. The liver is a vital organ which has many functions in the role of the immune system, production of clotting factors to producing bile for digesting, and breaking down toxic substances. Patients with chronic hepatitis B develop symptoms to the degree with abnormalities within these functions. The sign and symptoms of chronic hepatitis B would vary depending with the severity of the liver damage. It can be a few to relatively mild signs, and symptoms to signs, and symptoms to sever liver damage that would be called cirrhosis, or liver failure. The hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus it means that it is a genetic material which is made up of deoxyribonucleic acids. The viruses belong to what is known as hepadnaviridae it is primarily found in the liver, but it’s also present in the blood to certain body fluids. The hepatitis B virus consists in the core particle the central portion, the surrounding envelope outer coat. The core is made up of DNA, the core...