Health and Socialcare

HSC 025: the role of the health and social care worker
Understand working relationships in health and social care
      1.1 explain how working relationships is different from a personal relationship
A working relationship is different to a personal relationship as a working relationship is set by boundaries, professional codes of conduct, employer policies and procedures. in your working relationship you would be friendly have a different approach, treat with equality. You would know your role and responsibility you would not share personal information as you would with friends.
      1.2 describe different working relationships in health and social care setting
  * line managers and carers
  * liner managers and care manages
  * carers and district nursing
  * carers and physiotherapist
  * carers and OT’s
  * carers and doctors
here are some example of different relationship for carers to be able to follow a care plan effectively and provide to best possible care we need to be linked with all these different professionals, for example a doctor might change a medication, district nursing might want the service user sitting on something different due to sore, etc.
Be able to work in ways that agreed with the employer
2.1 describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role
It is important to agree to the scope of the job role you have as when you appointed for the position, you are given job description as part of a contract with the employer. This is then a legal document and responsibility to adhere in your job role. It is your duty to then understand the expectations of your job and understand professional boundaries.
2.2 access full and up to date details of agreed ways of working
Without a job description how would you apply for a job as you wouldn’t know what your job role would include you doing. This then sent guideline for both yourself and the employer to know what your responsibilities are, and your rate of...