Health and Social

Anti-discriminatory practice is designed to tackle anti-discrimination and is important as everyone should be treated equally.
Anti-discriminatory practice is promoted through the actions of individuals and organisations following the law, aiming for best practice, providing care that is person-centred and ethically based, and challenging others where there are ruptures in practice.
Ethical Principles
Putting the Service User at the Heart of Service Provision
Supporting Individuals to Express their Needs and Preferences
Empowering Individuals
Promoting Individual Rights, Choices and Well-being
Balancing Rights with the Rights of Others
Dealing with Conflicts
Identifying and Challenging Discrimination

Ethical Principles
Ethical principles are basically knowing right from wrong. There are 4 key principles which are Justice, Autonomy, Beneficence and non-maleficence. These 4 key principles promote anti-discriminatory practice as:
Justice is treating people fairly despite there their background and where they are from. For example, if there was a woman who lived in a care home and she was of a different background to the others who live there, this shouldn’t affect her quality of care or her choices as everyone should be treated fairly.
Autonomy is respecting people’s choices. For example, if one morning a man in care home decided that he isn’t keen on having corn flakes this particular morning for his breakfast and he wants toast instead, then the carers should respect this choice.
Beneficence is behaving in a way in which would benefit the service users by taking into consideration cost and the risk. For example, if a service user needed an operation then the doctors and carers would take into account the cost of the operation and also the risk of it for example, life threatening.
Non-maleficence is the harm caused by treatment that shouldn’t be more important than the benefits of the treatment. Both the benefits and the harm of the treatment...