Health and Social Care Level 5

Dip 5 – Unit 510 – Lead and Manage a Team

Good leadership will promote positive attitudes from employees. A negative culture will dampen the mood and result in more employees calling in sick, feeling unhappy and unmotivated and eventually handing in their letter of resignation. There are many ways to build a productive culture at work. The features of effective team performance is set up through positive leadership, this is something which is developed and nurtured. An effective team will work together, be focused and all the time supporting each other along the way to achieve and reach goals. For a team to be effective, each team member needs to be clear on their roles and responsibilities relating to their job. Team performance will be more effective if there is respect for the leader/manager and an understanding towards their job role and responsibility. The leader/manager should also be aware of the skills or weakness within the team and be able to provide support were necessary and also utilise their strengths. Training and support will enable staff to improve performance, develop confidence and lift spirit within the team. A leader should encourage any conflicts to be resolved through healthy, professional confrontation and willingly and openly negotiate necessary changes. Effective leaders are individuals who support their teams, giving them praise and encouragement where due.
Where a new team is forming there may be challenges as they will need to establish themselves, this will need good communication and positivity from the manager/leader to support and guide the individuals to ensure they are clear about their roles within the team, there may also be personality clashes between the leader and members of the team or between the team members, this is where as a leader I will need to take ownership of the challenges and this will empower the team to create a plan to overcome.

With the individuals merging together to join as a team, it is natural to...