Health and Social Care Level 3 Assignment 304 Task B

Assignment 304 Task B

Bi   Examples of situations which demonstrate a conflict or dilemma between exercising a duty of care and the rights of an individual that a care worker may face could be a client who did not want to be bathed or showered.   This could cause skin break down, poor personal hygiene and pressure sores.   Another example could be a client refusing to take their medication.   This could be dangerous to their health and could cause episodes or outbreaks of the condition that the medication is prescribed for.

Bii   In the case of a client not wanting to have a bath or a shower in the past, I have taken the route of explaining to them clearly the risks involved in not keeping clean (Having poor personal hygiene, skin breaking down, pressure sores occurring), if this fails I may mention to them the social benefits of being clean and fresh when they are around other people.   I also have mentioned the benefits of having good personal hygiene when they intend to be in the kitchen relating to independence skills of being able to prepare their own food.   Sometimes a client may need a bit of time to think about the things we have spoken about.   Sometimes if a client remains adamant not to bath/shower then alternatives are offered ie; a strip wash or hair washed over the bath if that was what was needed or extra help and encouragement depending on the exact situation and the person and their needs that particular day.   In this situation in the past I have recorded my actions and the response received from the client in their daily personal care chart and in their behaviour chart and I have verbally passed on the information and status of the clients personal hygiene to the next staff member on shift, this ensures a good standard of ongoing care.   Records kept are highly important in maintaining a care workers duty of care whilst also respecting the wishes of a client.

Biii,   Advice can be sought from a variety of places.   Fellow colleagues, Seniors,...