Health and Safety

Health and Safety and Risk Management

For the purpose of this essay I will explore a risk assessment based on the five steps to risk assessment (Health and Safety Executive). I will be completing a person centred risk assessment for a client I am working with. The risk assessment will include the steps taken to ensure the safety of the client is maintained at all times. This will also ensure a mental health assessment is carried out before the client utilises section 17 leave. The risk assessment will include the key hazards and risks to the client, these being her previously using her section 17 leave and her mental health deteriorating, resulting in her bringing contraband items into the hospital and using them to self harm. The Confidentiality will be kept at all times by referring to this female as ‘the client’ Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008).
It is the responsibility of the employee to attend health and safety at work training and to work alongside health and safety policies in place for the protection of clients. Health and safety at Work Act (1974).

After examining the clients past history in relation to risk management in order to assess the present incident, I have found the client has an extensive history of self harm. The key hazards in this case are the risk to the client, due to her purchasing Stanley knife blades and using them to self harm, risk to the public due to the client being in the community when her mental health deteriorated and risk to staff when the client returned to the hospital, still in possession of the contraband items. After assessing the level of risk that this hazard posed on the hospitals incident reporting form, which is titled Incident severity and risk (Turning-Point – Incident Reporting Form) the outcome grade was moderate. This outcome arose due to the nurse in charge and myself making the decision that the likelihood of recurrence would be more likely to occur than not and, the impact would be minor.
