Health and Safety

For the purpose of this essay I will review how risk assessment informs care planning for individuals and impacts on the organisational decision making about policies and procedures in the work place. In the work place your employer should aim to comply with their moral duty and legal responsibility to ensure the safety and welfare of the staff, service users and any other persons.

A risk assessment is a fundamental part of successful health and safety management.   This is essential to the planning and implementation of health and safety.   A risk assessment is identifying the likely hood of a possible hazard to someone; it is where a careful assessment of what in your workplace could cause harm to someone. When completing a risk assessment you must be sure you have taken enough precautions to prevent any possible risks to anyone.   Employers should review the risk assessment and implement any recommendations which have been suggested.  

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (N.I) 2000 require all employers to assess all risks from their work.   Employers of 5 or more people are required by law to have a written report.   As well as protecting employees employers also must comply with the law and follow legislation when identifying risks.

There is a five step approach to a risk assessment

  The first step is to identify any possible hazards
  second you must decide who might be harmed and how
  The third step is to evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
  Fourth is to record your findings and implement them
  The last step is to review your assessment and update if necessary

The aim is to eliminate any possible injury caused when working. Once the risk assessment has been created and implemented a multidisciplinary team work in partnership to create a person centred care plan for each resident based on their own specific needs.   This team is made up of different service providers such as Doctors, OT'S, Social Workers...