Health and Safety

Continued 1.1 The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974   (also referred to as HSWA, the HSW Act, the 1974 Act or HASAWA) is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The Health and Safety Executive, with local authorities (and other enforcing authorities) is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.
Continued 1.3 responsibilities of your self
5. To cooperate with your employer, making sure that you get proper training and that you understand and follow the companies health and safety policies.
6. Tell your employer if something happens that might affect the way you work (for example becoming pregnant or suffering an injury)
7. If possible, avoid wearing jewellery or loose clothing if you operating machinery or using equipment.
8. if you drive or operate equipment or machinery, tell your employer if you take medication that makes you drowsy- they should temporally move you to another job if they have one for you to do.
9. Not to interfere with or misuse anything that has been provided for your health, safety and welfare.
10. To tie your hair up or wear a headscarf to avoid your hair getting caught in machinery or equipment.
Continued 1.3 your team manager
4. Set up emergency plans
5. Tell you about any potential hazards from the work you do, chemicals and other substances used by the organisation, and give you information, instruction, training and supervision as needed.
Continued 3.2
Shortening or bending of limb
I would then support the injured limb if possible and also immobilise the affected part, I would also then try and stop any bleeding by Applying pressure if possible or elevating the limb if possible, I would also try cover the wound if there is one to reduce risk of infection , I would also try and make the person injured as comfortable as possible then seek medical advice immediately like...