
Hamlet Essay
      by: Raman Punn

      In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, the main character Hamlet demonstrates the concept of heroism through his actions of patience, loyalty, and bravery. Although the flaws evident in Hamlet’s character lead to tragic events, they also contribute to him being viewed as a tragic hero. The play commences with the death, or alleged murder of Hamlet’s father. More tragedy occurs after the love of Hamlet’s life, Ophelia, commits suicide, and finally, at the end of the play, tragedy strikes again with the deaths of many characters. Numerous people have different opinions of Hamlet, but after what he has achieved, I believe he is a hero.

      Hamlet’s father, the former King of Denmark has passed away, putting Hamlet through a stretch of time which he has never felt before. It was his first taste of tragedy. Everybody loved his father, and Hamlet had to live up to him. However, Hamlet’s father was murdered, by Claudius, Hamlet’s own uncle.

              “Now, Hamlet, hear: “Tis given out that, sleeping in mine orchard, a serpent stung me; so the whole err of Denmark is by a forged process of my death, rankly abus’d but know, thou noble youth, the serpent that did sting they father’s life now wears his crown.”               (1.5 – 34-39).

      Hamlet’s own uncle has killed his father, and now taken his mother’s hand in marriage: “Thrift, thrift, Horatio. The funeral baked meats did coldly flourish forth the marriage tables” (1.2 – 180-181). Hamlet is struck with the idea that people are so cheap that they use the same food for the wedding, as well as the funeral. Hamlet must get revenge against his uncle for the catastrophic thing he did to his father, but unlike a normal hero, he does not act right away. It is his patience and bravery that take control: “thus conscience does make cowards of us all”(3.1 – 83). Hamlet sees an opportunity to gain revenge for his father. Although he witnesses Claudius praying alone in a...