Hamlet vs Laertes

Brya Coleman
Per. 6

Hamlet vs. Laertes

The death of a loved one, especially a father to a son, is a very tragic and dreadful event in one’s life and can lead a person down a very difficult road. It may also lead someone to do things that they may not do in reality. In Shakespeare’s tragic play, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, the protagonist, young Hamlet, son of the late Old King Hamlet, and Laertes, son of Polonius, experience the loss of their fathers in tragic ways. Both Hamlet and Laertes react in very different ways to the tragic deaths of their fathers. Hamlet acted very passive in accordance to the death of his father because he waited throughout the whole play to actually act on getting revenge for his father’s death on his uncle, while Laertes reacted aggressively and wanted to take immediate revenge on Hamlet for killing his father. Their reactions weren’t right nor were they wrong, but the way that both figures handled the situations led to their tragic demise.
Young Hamlet, son of the late King Hamlet, was hit very hard by his father’s death. Hamlet very much loved his father, and what made things worse for him was that he didn’t have his mother to look to for comfort and support because she was too busy marrying his uncle not two months after the mysterious death of his father. This drove Hamlet into a very dark period of mourning and depression, to which some say he went mad. For example, in Act one, Scene four, Hamlet encounters in what he believes to be the ghost of his late father, in which the ghost tells him that he was murdered by Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius, and that he should seek revenge upon him. Now, from this point on throughout the play Hamlet plays with the thought of if, how, and when he will murder Claudius, his uncle. For some time, Hamlet is very unsure of the fact that he should act on his revenge because he ponders if the ghost was real and if so was it in fact, speaking the truth. In regards to his doubts, Hamlet produces a...