H1N1 Flu Issues

Reading through the chapter 9 in Writing in a Visual Age and learning the 10 Principles of Effective Web site which I thinking is a good source of information to on learn how identify a effective website. I found mr. Vitaly Friedman the editor-in-chief of smashing magazine, a very talented designer and developer. He has lots of experience and great idea that we could apply in order to have a great website.
The website that I choose to analysis is Salt Lake Valley Heath Department http://www.slvhealth.org/. I found this website very well organized and I certainly appreciated the quality and credibility of this web site. I as the majority of people, I don’t like spending too much time looking for the information that I need, I think that everything should be very easy and simple to find, as said on the website “users don’t read, they scan”. On the Salt Lake Valley Heath Department website I found everything that I was looking for very easy, I just needed to “scan” and click on the bottom.
On the right side of page we can easily see the search bottom on the top of the page and all the most wanted topics such as: clinic locations, Programs and services, birth and death certificates, Request records etc. On the bottom of the website they have these same links; I don’t think it is necessary however it creates a feeling of security that you are on right place doing your research.
On the middle of the page they have this quick slide showing all other options that you can find on this website, for example a great tool is the Food Handler Online Training where you can get your permit if you pass on the online test. Also by clicking on that slide you can learn how become a Flu Fighter, get your free prescription discount card or find the closest vaccination location for the H1n1 and season flu near you. It is a very informative website with you tube channel to view variety of videos, which shows how the employee’s work   of SLVHD has a positive impact in our community and...