Grouping Texts

I have grouped Extract G and Extract D, as they are both in the form of poetry. They both use stanzas to separate out the different beats, which is a common attribute to poems. This allows the different subjects and movement in story to be separated so people can read it easier. Also when separated out like that, it allows the reader to read it fluently and with a tone that the writer may have planned. It can read with tune behind it. They are both from older times, the 14th and 17th century. We can see this by their use of lexis and grammar.
"And we will all the pleasures prove".
This line from Extract D, shows that the grammar has been manipulated to fit in with the beat, but has examples from older times, "pleasures prove", as well as using lexis such as "craggy", which isn’t an often used adjective in today’s society.

Both of the poems use rhyme as well, G not as frequently as D however, because they are styled differently.
D- "Love, Prove" and G "say, day. round, drowned"
This is a common attribute to poetry, and allows the words to flow better when spoken as if in song. Also when you accompany a tune to words, it is known to help the reader remember them better, which is what the poet wants. They both also have a purpose to entertain, as with most literature and writing, this is the sole point. They need to get a message across, and people are more likely to do this when they are entertained and feeling some form of emotion.
One other thing, that they were common in were the length of line. They used short lengths, but simply so as to create a stanza, and to have a certain amount of beats on a line.

However the two are very different pieces. Their audiences differ greatly. D was written for an older audience, one that would understand the subject best, - the perils of love, and an audience that could relate from experience. The other extract (G) however, was written for kids, and we can tell this through the use of comedy, and erratic rhyme. It...