Ground Rules

The purpose of this assignment is to explain the ways in which you would establish round rules with your learners and which would underpin behaviour and respect for others, it will also analyse the different ways in which ground rules would be established.
Learners of any ability require boundaries and rules to work within (Gravells 2008). As a tutor I would implement them at the start of the lesson, so that everyone had a clear concept of what’s expected of them. By implementing ground rules early on can contribute to preventing disruption to the rest of the class (Gravells 2008) furthermore it can also help maintain a healthy learning environment.
Having ground rules enables learners to know what’s expected of them as individuals and as a group, giving them the ability to know their limits (Gravells 2008). These rules should be thought out and expressed clearly so that everyone knows what’s expected (Petty 2009). In order to establish these rules I would get the students to reflect on what they think is important to them, then as a group to focus on the ones they feel are most relevant, giving feedback on why they feel it’s important to have such rules.
There are many different types of ground rules which can assist in creating mutual respect from the tutor to the students, this can also work the other way round, and helping the students create and sustain mutual respect for each other. (Atherton 2005)
An example of some ground rules maybe:
  Listen to others and respect their views.
  Arrive on time.
  Mobile phones to be kept on silent.
By getting the students to establish their own ground rules will ensure that the rules in which are created are most likely to be adhered to, and if a ground rule is broken it is the other learner’s that will reprimand the offender (Gravells 2008), although there are certain rules which have to be followed; such as Health and Safety limitations along with any which are set out by the learning organisation, these...