Grapefruit's Bitter Taste Holds a Sweet Promise for Diabetes Therapy

Grapefruit's Bitter Taste Holds a Sweet Promise for Diabetes Therapy.
In a Hebrew University, in Jerusalem and in Massachusetts General Hospital a team of researchers have reported that naringenin (a flavonoid—not to be confused with naringin) activates a classification of small proteins called nuclear receptors, which causes the liver to break down fatty acids. Through their study of naringenin, they have found that this compound also seems to mimic the actions of other drugs, such as anti-diabetic Rosiglitazone.
This flavonoid is commonly found in grapefruits and other citric acids, this flavonoid is the reason for the bitter sweet taste you receive when eating a grapefruit. Because naringenin breaks down fatty acids in the liver, it increases insulin sensitivity. This can also be obtained by fasting for a period of time. Not only does it increase sensitivity of insulin, but it also had cholesterol lowering properties, and it also possibly can improve some of the symptoms in Diabetes. The researchers who have been studying this, demonstrated how the compound activates PPARα and PPARγ by increasing PGC1α (a co-activator peptide of both.) and as the compound is doing this it is also blocking the activation of LXRα; the effect of these actions terminated the increase of fatty acid oxidation and the blockage of bad cholesterol.
This new found dietary supplement, can not only reduce cholesterol but also can help diabetic patients, who battle everyday with these two major problems. I believe that this flavonoid can not only help expand the treatment for the condition of diabetes, which can also help lead to the cure for the condition, but also it can help people who already have diabetes and struggle with keeping their blood sugar levels in check. With several family members who suffer from Diabetes, I know that regulating your sugars can be a real hardship and burden to deal with, and that every little bit of help counts; and knowing that this natural flavonoid...