Good Stuff

he Importance of Meeting Deadlines

The United States Army is described by Encyclopedia Britannica as the major branch charged with preserving peace, security and defense of the country. Furnishing majority of the entire U.S. military organization's ground forces, it is also tasked with partly military or non-military functions or such as the administration of federal programs that protect and develop the environment; provision of military assistance to the federal, as well as state or local government agencies; assistance during onslaughts of natural disaster; and the giving of air transpiration for emergency medical use. With its military personnel consisting of the Army proper on active duty, the National Guard and the Army Reserve, the U.S. Army supplies the American forces stationed at the permanent bases maintained around the globe and as well, is tasked with maintaining combat-ready troops for possible deployment in whatever part of the world the President orders ("United States army"). The U.S. Army is the world's second largest, next only to its counterpart in the People’s Republic of China. As of September 30, 2007, there are a total of nearly 540,000 enlisted men and officers in the Army, with over 352,000 National Guard and 205,000 Reserve members (Military Personnel).

Despite such big encompassing responsibilities, and a large number of personnel, the U.S. Army is probably one of history's most efficient military organizations in the world. It has been one of the most successful national armies, partly explaining the success of U.S.A. as a superpower for over a century since the turn of the 19th century. An underlying factor behind this success is the admirable level of military discipline found in the U.S. Army. Section 654 of Chapter 37 of the U.S. Code, high standards of discipline, along with morale and good order, comprise the essence of U.S. military capability. Part of this important military discipline is the ability of every Army unit...