Go Ask Alice

I read the book”Go Ask Alice” and it’s written by an anonymous person. It gave me the feeling of that this book is a true story, because they don’t mention any names of places or people. The book is about a girl called Alice. She is a regular kid who is going to
school like all the other kids but one day the drugs came into her life and she is desperately trying to stop using them. She also has a dairy that she always writes in.  

Alice becomes 15 years old, she isn’t thinking that it is anything special because her life is already a mess. She is pretty fat, at least she thinks she is, but she looses very much weight after a while and now she is very thin. Her mother keeps telling her to put her hair up and be happy, but Alice doesn’t do that very often. Alice’s relationship with her parents isn’t very good, but now after a while their bond is strong. Her father is never home, he always at work and her mother either nags at her or tells her to be happy and don’t care what other people says about her.

After everything that is happening, the contact between Alice and her mother, brother and sister is now much better.
She has no friends in the beginning and gets bully, but then when she starts using drugs she gets many friends and gets accepted. However, they aren’t real friends, since she loose them when she stopped using drugs. But during she is trying to loose them she gets in on a mental hospital, because her neighbour hears her scream for nothing but she fantasize about worms who is eating her after her grand-mother(from mothers side) and grand-father(from mothers side) die.    

The first time she ever tries drugs is in her “friend” Jill’s house.
They are a couple of kids and play the game “Button, button, who’s got the button?” Alice supposes that everything Jill do, she is also going to do. So when Jill drinks her coke, Alice does it to. That is when she gets stoned. Someone has put LSD (drugs) in her button and she drinks it. Alice laughs and...