
Globalisation, as a theory, argues that states and societies are increasingly being 'disciplined' to behave as if they were private markets operating in a

global territory. 'Disciplinary' forces affecting states and societies are attributed to the global capital market, transnational corporations (TNCs), and

structural adjustment policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, which are all driven by neo-liberal economic ideology. Some

scholars, such as Stephen Gill, see these agents as representing an emerging system of global economic governance ('disciplinary neo-liberalism') based

on a quasiconstitutional framework for the reconstitution of the legal rights, prerogatives, and freedom of movement for capital on a world scale ('new

Globalization, since World War II, is largely the result of planning by politicians to break down borders hampering trade to increase prosperity and

interdependence thereby decreasing the chance of future war. Their work led to the Bretton Woods conference, an agreement by the world's leading

politicians to lay down the framework for international commerce and finance, and the founding of several international institutions intended to oversee

the processes of globalization.
These institutions include the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank), and the International Monetary Fund.

Globalization has been facilitated by advances in technology which have reduced the costs of trade, and trade negotiation rounds, originally under the

auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), which led to a series of agreements to remove restrictions on free trade.Since World

War II, barriers to international trade have been considerably lowered through international agreements — GATT

Political - some use "globalization" to mean the creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among...