Global Warming

The Global Warming Conspiracy July 3, 1983 The U.S. Government, the IPCC, and the oil companies are lying to the world about global warming. They know green house gases has nothing to do with global warming. The oil companies, and the U.S government spend tens of millions of dollar to scientists to spread false propaganda about global warming. They are doing it to prevent a world wide panic, protect the oil companies profit, and prevent world wide economic collapse. Global warming is the apocalypse, and in the future billions of people will perish, if its not reverse in time. You have been warned! The real reason for global warming is the earth’s orbit around the sun is slowly decaying, the earth elliptical orbit around the sun is shrinking, and the earth is moving closer to the sun. People take the earth’s magnetic field for granted, because it’s invisible, and silent, but the earth’s magnetic field keeps the earth at a safe distance from the sun, and the moon. The high temperature in the earth’s core (the earth’s engine) generates earth’s magnetic, and gravitational fields. The earth’s fuel system is referred to as crude oil, and natural gas wells. They are actually self pressurizing fuel cells, and crude oil, and natural gas are the earth’s fuel. The oil company’s crude oil extraction process compromises the earth’s fuel system, and shut off fuel to the earth’s outer core, by releasing pressure out of these oil, and gas wells. Under normal conditions the outer core stays at a constant temperature between 5000 to 7000 degrees celsius, and the pressure in the outer core, lower mantle, and in oil wells stays at tens of thousands of pounds per square inch. The pressure in an oil well forces the oil, and natural gas into the outer core, and is ignited long before it reaches the outer core, and enters the lower mantle, and outer core as flames, heat, and pressure. One of the components of crude oil is oxygen, so combustion in the lower mantle, and outer core is...