Global Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Market Share, Growth and Forecasts to 2025: Hexa Reports

Hexa Reports
Market Research Reports and Insightful Company Profiles

Global Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Market Data,
Global Insights, Share, Size, Emerging Trends, Growth,
Analysis & Forecasts To 2025

‘The Global Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Market to 2025’ is GMR Data’s latest pharma report,
covering the pharmaceutical, commercial and strategic developments in the global Self-Monitoring of
Blood Glucose (SMBG) market. The report highlights key companies, geographies and products that we
believe will deliver strong growth across the next decade.
SMBG is now globally recognised as an integral part of intensive therapy for diabetes; SMBG provides
increasingly accurate blood glucose readings which offers significant benefits to diabetics and ultimately,
financially, their healthcare providers.
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The SMBG market is primarily driven by the growing global diabetic population; a lack of a cure for
diabetes; increasing health education among the diabetic population, active reimbursement policies of
insurers; the technological advancement aimed at minimal and non-invasive blood glucose testing
methods, alongside the availability of blood glucose meters at a nominal cost.
The market for SMBG products has a future simply because of the growing incidence and prevalence of
diabetes, increasing spending on healthcare and growing awareness and its implications. However, key

Hexa Reports
Market Research Reports and Insightful Company Profiles
challenges remain such as data accuracy, affordability and reimbursement which need to be addressed
by the manufacturers, insurance companies and national health authorities.
‘The Global Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose Market to 2025’ report includes over 200 tables, charts
and graphs quantifying and forecasting the market in detail. In addition, the report offers 9 profiles of
the leading companies in the...