
Jacobe Green
ENLG 2023
Paper #1
Have you ever struggled with understanding some of the natural occurrences in your life, such as life and death? The Epic of Gilgamesh depicts one man's struggles as he embarks on an adventurous journey seeking to gain satisfaction and fulfillment in life. Throughout his journey, Gilgamesh learns how to deal with the unfortunate loss of his dear friend Enkidu as well as come to terms with some of his own personal problems. This epic illustrates the importance of being able to accept friendship and happiness, as well as cope with grief as it relates to death. Each of these topics contains a high level of importance, and plays a large role for Gilgamesh and his story. In this paper, I will further explain these influential topics that powered the story line of this plot; grief and death, friendship, and happiness.
What is grief? Grief Can be defined as deep sorrow, especially when caused by death. According to the Kuebler-Ross model, There are five stages to dealing with death and dying. The first stage is denial. In fact, a person might say that they feel fine or possess no feelings toward the inevitable, while also conveying a nonchalant facade. In their mind,they choose not to make the death into a reality. This stage is only temporary because eventually reality sets in. In the story, Gilgamesh can be seen exhibiting signs of denial. When Enkidu is wounded severely from battle, Gilgamesh's mind wanders off into Deep thought. "I can't imagine being left alone, I'm less of a man without my friend." This exhibits Gilgamesh's first sign of grief as he begins to be in denial of what life will be like without his great friend in that of Enkidu. The next stage, according to Kuebler Ross, in trying to cope with death, would be anger.   By this stage, the reality of the death is acknowledged and anger arises. The person dealing with the death is usually taken over by a "why me?" attitude, often questioning the...