“Ghana Is a Developing Country but Is Still a Poor Country Today. Ghana Was a British Colony and Therefore Britain Is to Blame for Ghana’s Poverty Today”

Ghana is a large country in West Africa with a population of over 23 million people. It is located just north of the Gulf of Guinea, only a few degrees north of the Equator, therefore giving it a warm climate and average temperature. The country spans an area of 238,500 km2. It is surrounded by Togo to the east, Côte d'Ivoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north and the Gulf of Guinea to the south. The Greenwich Meridian passes through Ghana and it is geographically closer to the "centre" of the world than any other country.

There are two types of development. Economic development, which is an increase in income and wealth and social development which is an improvement in standard of living through education and healthcare. To get a full picture of what each country’s development is, a key called the HDI (Human Development Index) was created. It is a combination of a range of key development indicators: Life expectancy, mean/expected years of schooling and GNI (Gross National Income). Ghana is a LEDC. However, despite the fact that it is rich with natural resources, Ghana has more than twice the per capita output of the poorer countries in West Africa, yet is still very poor compared to the rest of the world. Ghana is very successful for its gold when it was a colony of the major European empires, and it still remains one of the world's top gold producers. They also produce and sell many goods such as cocoa, oil, gas, timber, electricity, diamond and many more. It has a GNP per capita of 1,760 US$. This is very successful and wealthy in comparison to the other African countries such as Kenya, who have a GNP per capita of only 930 US$. Although it is a lot less than the MEDC’s predominantly from the west. This is very evident as the United Kingdom has a GNP per capita of 39,140 US$ and an HDI of 0.892 which is more than 20 times more than Ghana’s wealth. Overall, this shows that compared to the rest of the world, Ghana is relatively poor however compared to...