Gap Analysis: Global Communications


Gap Analysis: Global Communications
Maury Cesair
University of Phoenix

Gap Analysis: Global Communications
      Global Communication (GC) is Telecommunication Company who faces a huge amount of economic pressure due to the high amount of competition. It’s stocks fell over 50% over the past few years and it is desperately is trying to find ways for it better it services to compete against the competition. Its leaders came up with a plan, which consist of introducing new services that will now serve in local and long-distance markets around the nation. GC established alliances with a satellite provider to offer video services and satellite version of broadband. GC saw by establishing a partnership with a satellite provider, its customer with anytime access to the internet using a wireless telephone or PC card, which keeps them competing with the latest trend in the industry. To make this plan effective the leaders came up with some “cost-cutting measurements” to enhance the company’s profit margin by relieving some of their service centers and outsourcing them into Ireland and India. In order for them to launch this plan they have to overcome the issues they face within their company.
Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification
      Global Communication (GC) is facing grave amount of competition resulting into low profits. The leaders of GC came up with a plan that involves downsizing, outsourcing and wage garnishing. This will give GC the opportunity to globalize its company, compete with its competition on an international level, reduce its operational costs, and enhance its profits. On the other hand some of the leaders are concerned about its workers and the Union views this plan as unethical. According to Sy Rodriguez, EVP-Consumer Marketing and Sales and a member of the GC Senior Leadership Team says, “Downsizing our domestic call centers has major implications. Although some of our...