
Guns, knives, street fights, riots, people fighting all around, leading to injuries and even deaths. These are just a few factors and items used in gang violence. I’m sure that everyone has heard about gang violence, or has maybe had experiences with it. Gangs have always been around in our society. They made up the traffickers during the Prohibition era. They were the pirates of the golden age of privacy and they were the raiders and bandits of the early civilizations. Stretching from thousands of years of human history, they have always been many different organized groups of thugs who all hold the same morals and values: to seek and hold what they hold dear. This could be fame, fortune or a change in society; either way, their methods of beholding these objectives   can be destructive. Today, these groups of people are referred to as gangs.   Each gang is unique in their own way; be it with special traditions or way of life. In most gangs you have to show that you’re “tough” in order to be respected and feared by your peers. After reading this essay you will understand my thoughts about gangs,why gangs even exist and what a few of them are doing in our local community.

I’ve always lived in Panorama hills, a community where you hardly see nor even hear about any crimes.Personally, I have never had experience with nor have I worried about any crime in my life. If a friend or a family member ever joined a gang, the way in which I would handle the situation based upon the person and seriousness of the situation. For instance, if my friend ever joined a gang or personally committed a crime, I would probably distance myself from that relationship. I have always tried to   surround myself with people who hold the same values and who offer a more positive influence. Another reason being is that I know that I have the capacity to choose and not be influenced by negative situations . So if an unacceptable consequence came near me, I know that I can steer away from it. On...