Gang Development

Gang Development

Juvenile Delinquency

Table of Contents


Statement of Problem…………………………………………………………………………......3

Analysis and Defense of Position…………………………………………………………………5
Analysis of Theories………………………………………………………………………5
Concepts and Facts………………………………………………………………………..6


Reference Section………………………………………………………………………………..10

The creation and participation of gangs within lower social economic communities have oppressed the success of teenagers and instead involve them in violence and gang related activity, much of which is illegal; these gangs should be abolished, but they have become a part of the community – most, for the worse.

Statement of the Problem
Individuals, most often teenagers, join gangs due to the social and peer pressure that they are faced with. Gangs attract youth that may feel alienated from society, unappreciated, and powerless, thus causing them to become curious to gang delinquency and activity. In addition, community status issues such as neglect and abuse in the household, neighborhoods worsening, violence, and residential turnover may also lead young adults to turn to gangs.
Though gangs are formed for the primary purpose that many juveniles fear that they will not make it to adulthood due to an increase of violence, they tend to become violent themselves more often than not. Therefore, gangs are indeed are not effective, in the purpose of the well-being of children, and they do not have positive impacts on the community.
Born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey, I have seen my fair share of gangs. There is an ample amount of gangs within the community and though I do know some things about them, what really sparked my curiosity is what attracts people to them and forces them to remain involved with them, though illegal activities often take place. Furthermore, often I have heard of people becoming involved...