French and Indian War

The French and Indian War took place during 1754-1763 that was fought between the British and the French. This war led to the change in political, economic, and ideological relations between Britain and its American colonies that eventually led to the Revolutionary War. The British gained control of many territories while the American colonies gained an extensive new land to explore.
After the French and Indian War took place, the political standing between the British and the American colonies were very week. The war put Britain into debt, which increased the need for legislation and English rule in the colonies. The colonist complained about the lack of freedom they had and the new martial law that was being enforced. Also, the British wanted peace with the Native Americans so they established the Proclamation of 1763, which prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. They had hoped this would prevent future hostilities between the colonists and Native Americans. The colonist reacted to the Proclamation of 1763 with anger and defiance. After their victory in the French and Indian War, the Americans hoped to receive benefits in the form of access to western lands, but the British denied these benefits which angered the Colonist.
A major economic distress in the colonies was parliamentary taxation in America. The English created tough laws in hopes of gaining profits that was lost at war. They laid out strictly enforced taxes such as the Sugar Act also known as the Revenue Act of 1764 which placed duties on foreign sugar and certain luxuries. Another well-known act that angered the colonists was the Stamp Act, which required that revenue stamps be placed on most printed paper in the colonies, including all legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, and advertisements. The colonists who received all of these taxes were aggravated and formed means to protest, such as boycotts.
Not only did the French and Indian war alter colonial and...