Freedom over Loyalty

One of the most known quotes given by William Shakespeare in the play Julius Caesar, “Et tu, Brute?” (Shakespeare 810) meaning “And you, Brutus?” universally represents the ultimate betrayal by one's closest friend. In the play, Brutus, a Senator and friend of Julius Caesar’s, joins a conspiracy to kill Caesar, in order to save the Republic as Caesar is soon to create a monarch which would destroy the government. Brutus’ loyalty to Caesar conflicts with his concern for the public good.   He decides, although he loves his friend dearly, to plan in the assassination because he loves Rome and freedom more than personal relationships.
Brutus begins to believe that if Caesar is crowned king, the Roman Republic would be eliminated.   The play is sympathetic toward Brutus by the beginning as he is being persuaded by Cassius, a nobleman, to stop Julius Caesar for the best interests of the public, from becoming the monarch of Rome. Cassius tell Brutus, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings” (Shakespeare 765). This makes Brutus aware of Caesar’s intentions, tearing him between his love of his friend Caesar and his duty to the Republic. Cassius reminds Brutus that Caesar is just a man, not a god, and that they were all born equally free so they should not have to suddenly bow down to another man. Brutus, by the persuasion of Cassius becomes motivated by nobility and principles rather than by personal relationships; hence, agrees to join the assassination of his friend because he believes it is for the good of Rome.
Because Caesar is a loyal friend to Brutus and has done nothing wrong that should jeopardize their friendship, Brutus’ confliction is a stressful decision to determine. However, Brutus considers that Caesar, after crowned, will destroy the Roman Republic and become an absolute monarch, although Caesar has proved nothing of ambition. After Brutus concurs with the conspirators, becomes leader, and makes plans and...