Free Writing

Free writing

Free writing enables me to generate as many ideas as possible. This means the more I write, the more ideas I will have. I can write freely about a topic I have chosen. At this stage, I could write down anything sparked in mind without consider about the appropriateness, grammar, spelling logic or organization. It helps me a lot while I am doing prewriting on topics as problems among teenagers, how to improve pupils’ learning skills.

I prefer free writing because I don’t have to worry if my mind seems to be “running dry”, or out of any ideas. I have a habit that I just have to keep my pencil moving. This action trained me to write down anything freely without caring any grammar considerations. It is amazing because one idea will spark another idea. Therefore, a lot of ideas will come out at the end. Consequently, I am able to evaluate as many ideas as I can. This is very effective on such topics like inflation, children nowadays.


Clustering is very suitable for some topics applying the hierarchy description, management authorization and so on. From the center, or core, the ideas can be simply expanded throughout the scope that we set. We would not simply get lost or even out of topics when we generate the ideas. We are able to plan our scopes base on every single sub-topic that we have created. As a result, it is a good brainstorming activity for us in generating the supportive ideas.

All of the ideas are performed in point-form and grouped in the bubbles. They are very convenient and clear enough for us to determine the appropriateness of the ideas. We could easily group the ideas according to its origin. This stage of preparation really helps to construct our ideas in a collective way. Hence, we can perform our ideas in a systematic way. This means our ideas could flow smoothly without any interference.

Since we write down our ideas temporally in the simplest way, or point-form, then we do not apply the formal grammar...