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Home Viewings versus Theatre Viewings
Candace C. Green
Everest Online
Comp I- 110

Flat and Projection Screens have many similarities and differences, such as the controlling of the sound, the screen, and its viewings. The first ever flat panel display was invented in 1964 at the University of Illinois. (Wikipedia, November 2009). In the age of modern development the film industry is one of the most progressing. Now we can see DVD movies of the different generations, companies and producers so we have a great variety to choose from.
Another choice we have to make is: is it better to watch the DVD movies at home or on a DVD Player or go to the movie theatre. The answer depends on more than one factor. Most but not all movie theatres are commercial operations catering to the general public, who want to attend and to purchase a ticket. The movie is projected with a movie projector onto a large projection screen at the front of the auditorium. To be distracted or not to be distracted, that is the question? There’s something magical about a movie theatre.
Once the curtain rises and the lights dim, the collective masses of movie-goers stop talking, rush to their seats, and cast their eyes upon the giant screen. Then, when a stream of projector light hits the screen’s silver surface, everyone in the theatre is transported to another world. The audience watches intensely. They forgo bathroom breaks, cut the chit-chat and make sure the cell-phones are turned off. Nobody wants to miss one second of the movie. The THX surround sound may make it feel like some of the conversations or sound effects-such as explosion-are happening in the theatre.
A few look around; just to be sure it was the movie, not someone or something for real. And, then after two hours of facing the screen in the dark, the audience-exhausted and exhilarated-falls out of the building, still talking about the movie or reliving the exciting scenes in their heads, well after the magic is over....