Final Project Topic

Final Project Topic
Katrina Sorensen


  May 19, 2011

Sherri Craig

Final Project Topic
  To me and a lot of other people it does matter whether or not there is an afterlife because if a person believes in the afterlife then they will think that they will be happy and will be taken care of and that they will be among friends and family after they pass on. And each person that believes in the afterlife has different ideas of what the afterlife will look like or how they would like the afterlife to look like. But as a Catholic, I believe in the afterlife because I was taught about heaven and hell, which are two different types of afterlife. When someone goes through life without doing anything wrong and they are helpful by volunteering then they will go to heaven. But when someone is bad all of their life they will go to hell. But when someone does the same amount of good and bad or are taken away before their time they will go to what is called purgatory, which is between heaven and hell. A soul that is in purgatory will stay there until their unfinished business is done or they do deeds that are either good or bad so they can be sent to the correct place. Since the beginning of time everyone believed in the afterlife and in some cultures they believe in reincarnation, which is where a soul is reborn into something or someone.
  The question of whether or not an afterlife exists affects how we live now is true for a lot of people because if you behave and don’t break any of the 10 Commandments then you will go to heaven but if you do the opposite then you will go to hell. Then there is the instance where some people who are killed or die too early to choose whether they go to heaven or hell then go to purgatory till they get the chance to show the higher beings where they want to go or where they belong. But some people think of souls that are in purgatory as ghosts that have unfinished business and won’t be able to crossover until their...