Federalist and Jeffersoninans

Federalists- strong central gov’t and national bank. Best people should rule and be wealthy. Liked yeoman farmers   liked the idea of a national debt. – ideal American and self sufficient. Ex. Hamilton, Adams…
Jeffersonians: Favored state power, and state banks. Wide variety of people should have power so there would be no special privileges of classes. Didn’t like national debt . Ex. Jefferson, Madison…
Bacon’s Rebellion- 1646: After their 2nd uprising, the Powhatan tribes were given exclusive rights to the territory beyond the limits of white settlement by royal governor William Berkeley. New settlers were unhappy because it limited their ability to get their own land; ex-indentured servants looking for cheap land were in the same boat.
Problems: Need for land, Decreased tobacco prices, Increased taxes, Lack of opportunity
• In the spring, Nathaniel Bacon became the leader of the frontiersmen.
• Along with hundreds of runaway servants and some slaves, he attacked natives without regard to whether they were friend or foe.
• Berkeley’s unpopular policies:
• High taxes
• Increasing the governor’s powers and decreasing the power of local officials
• Keeping a monopoly of native trade with himself and his friends
• What Berkeley did to try to gain support:
• He held new assembly elections
• He gave to vote to all freemen, including those without property
• Bacon’s followers drifted home to tend their crops.
• After Bacon’s Rebellion, the planter aristocracy annulled Berkeley’s 1676 reform laws. New land decreased tension among whites.
• The planter elite, afraid of another uprising by lower-class whites, started to turn to enslaved Africans to meet their labor needs, halting the influx of poor white servants
Whiskey Rebellion- during the time of Jeffersonians and Federalists: threat of whiskey tax. August 1792 convention in Pittsburgh vowed to prevent the collection of the Whiskey Tax. July 1794: Federal marshal David Lennox and local excise inspector...